The Annual Memorial Tree ceremony was held on Sunday, December 11th at our Memorial Park (located at the Thayer Public Library).  President-Elect James Solimini lead the group in the reading of the names of all those who were memorialized by a donation to our charitable foundation.  At the conclusion of the reading, the tree was lit up as all gave a moment of silence to those loved ones that have gone before us.  
Please keep all of our loved ones in your special thoughts during this holiday season: Jules Baronas, Michael Bergin, Joseph Bonanno, Mary Bonanno, Margaret Lynch Bryant, Iolanda Carnicelli, Guy Carnicelli, Robert Caruso, Betsy Cavaleri, Nelson Chin, Susan Clawson, Gerard Coletta, Jr., James Curry, James Curry, Jr., Kevin M Dooley, Wally Farrell, Bill Farrell, Delphine Feldman, Julius Feldman, Maria Gallinaro, Salvatore Gallinaro, James Galvin, Sam Garlisi, Major Wyatt Eugene Harper, Frank Heinlein, Joshua Kaye, Luke Leonard, James Joseph Lynch, Anna Marchetti, Richard McDermott, Louise McDermott, Richard Nolan Moore, Pat Moore, Dirk Moore, John Murphy, Anna Murphy, Jack Murphy, Mary Murphy, Clair Murphy, John Norton, Margaret Norton, John Norton, Jr., Steve "Obie" O'Brien, James "Jimbo" Olson, John Panepinto, Robert Powers, Thelma Powers, Stuart Powers, Danielle Reszenski, Mary Riley, Timothy Riley, John J Ryan, Sr., Mildred Ryan, Paul Ryan, Bob Ryan, Robert Ryan, Stephanie Ryan, Robert Ryan Sr., Michael Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Claron Schultz, Gloria Schultz, David Shepherd, Coradi Solimini, Frank Thomson, Sr., Robert E Tully, Stephanie Tully, John Vozzella.