"To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die."
- Thomas Campbell

Agnew, Paul G.

Albee, Herbert J.

Alden, Andrew J.

Allen, Morrill R

Archibald, Edward

Bardetti, Andrew J.

Baronas, Julius

Beals, Frederick

Bergfors, Gustav A.

Berman, Donald

Bischoff, Donald B.

Blake, Leslie C.

Boynton, Edward

Boynton, Arthur E.

Boynton, Arthur E. Jr.

Brooks, Robert C.

Brooks, William G.

Bushman, Francis

Butchard, John. F. Jr. P.P.

Caruso, Ernest E.

Caruso, Paul

Caruso, Robert

Chapman, Earl F.

Cheney, Howard Jr.

Chin, Nelson K.

Clark, Oberlin

Clay, Frederick

Conner, Ralph T.

Cook, Robert W.

Cook, Ronald A.

Copp, Edgar (Doc)

Crispin, Marjorie

Dallinger, Rev. John R.

Delano, Wayne

Davis,Warren Jr


Diekmeyer, Frank H.

Dignan, Paul L.

Disher, William J.

Donovan, Frank E.

Downey, Robert

Doyle, Edward

Eggelton, George

Farrelly, Lawrence

Fisher, Edward C.

Fitzgerald, Reginard P. P.P.

John Frazier P.P.

Fulton, Ernest T.

Gallagher, Leonard J. Jr.

Galvin, James P.P.

Garlisi, Salvatore R. P.P.

Gray, Robert P.

Graziano, Joseph A.

Graziano, Joseph A. Jr.

Hall, Howard B.

Hatch, Richard A.

Hecht, Paul E. M.D.

Hergert, Frederick

Hjelm, Walter K.

Holmes, Dr. Raymond

Hughson, Nathaniel

Jenney ,James

Jennings, Edward W.

Jones, G. Vinton

Keigan, Dr. Archie G.

Kelley, Charles J.

King, Ernest W.

Klay, Frederick J.

Lakin, Roger

Landenberger, Frederick J.

Landers, Joseph

Landry, Alfred

Leetch, John. F.

Levitan, Leo

Libertine, Emilo

Libertine, John A.

Kenneth M Logan Jr P.P.

Long, Francis

Ludlow, Dr. Clarence

MacDonald, Uriel O.

Machado, Paul D.

Matheson, Allen D.

McCusker, Joseph

Miller, Donald E.

Neal, Shelley A.

Nigrelli, James V.

O'Brien Judy

Palumbo, Joseph P.P.

Panepinto, John J. P.P.

Parmenter, Forrest A.

Peacock, Gordon O. P.P.

Peck, Mortimer N.

Peck, Russell V.

Perrelli, William

Peterson, Charles

Phipps, Francis F.

Polio, John V. P.P.

Potter, Norton P.

Powers, Arthur C.

Proctor, Ralph W.

Purcell, William G.

Ray, John L.

Reynold, Ernest S.

Richardi, Donato T.

Rev. Ripley

Ripley, Harold W.

Robinson, Dr. Harold F.

Rock, Dr. Alton A.

Rolfe, Norman C.

Ross, Samual

Ryan, Joseph F.

Santagata, Joseph

Searle, Charles W.

Sears, Harry T.

Shaylor, Frederick W.

Shepherd, David A.

Sheppard, William P.

Southworth, Stacey

Spurrell, Alban G.

Sturges, Dee

Sweet, Frederick B.

Tabor, Seward W.

Thayer, Dr. Gordon O.

Thomas, Alfred J. Jr.

Thwing, Ellsworth R.

Trefrey, John T. Jr.

Trojano, Louis J.

Troupe, George S. P.P.

Turner, Vernon C.

Uto, Albert A.

Vallas, Louis J.

Vozzella, John J.

Walker, Dean R.

Warren, George E.

Webb, Frederick T.

Welch, Carroll D.

Wentworth, Susan P.P.

Whitten, C. Arthur L.

Whitten, Arthur L.

Woodsum, Herbert B.

Worcester, James C. P.P.

Whynot, Ned

Yetman, William Earl