The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships.

Membership Process - How to become a Rotarian



Attend a rotary meeting with a Rotarian friend, rotary colleague, or simply come as an invited guest of a Rotarian. Your first meal is on us. If after several visits you determine you have the time and interest to become a Rotarian ask your sponsor who must be a Braintree Rotarian for direction to becoming a member.


Through your sponsor ask our club's Membership Committee Chair for an application form. Fill it out, have your sponsor sign it and along with your written bio and return the application to your sponsor who will then submit it to the Membership Chair.


The application is forwarded to the club's Board of Directors for review and acceptance vote. Upon approval to accept the application, the completed application will be submitted to the Secretary, for further review before presentation to the Board of Directors for further approval to move ahead in the process.


At this time a rotary information meeting will be scheduled for the proposed member to decide whether to go forward to become a member. A 10-day notice will be sent out to the entire club membership presenting the new applicant for membership, assuming no objections to the proposed member post 10-days a final vote of approval or denial will be cast at the next board meeting.Upon approval by the Board and reciept of membership fees we will proceed to schedule installation for the new member inviting the prospect's family members to the installation. Upon membership the new member will be assigned to a club committee.

Now that you are a member of the Braintree Rotary Club... are responsible to meet your annual dues requirement when invoiced and participate in Club Meetings, social events, Club fundraisers, service projects and/or committee meetings as your schedule permits.
Active participation leads to the best rewards of being a Rotarian.